Mystery Rub


Joel Kiess

TVWBB All-Star
A couple of weeks ago I smoked a couple of butts. People who have eaten my bbq before from wife to coworkers told me it it was the best I've done yet.

(blush ah gee folks)

Now some of that has to do with them just coming out of the WSM really well - cooked to just the right temp, really moist etc. But here's the thing: the rub I used was just odds and ends. I had some Mr Brown I had vac sealed and stored in the freezer, a bit of a commercial rub I bought at BBQlossal, and one or two other "leftovers" in baggies and jars. I just thought what the heck and mixed them all up and dusted the butts. I added more of the rub when the pork was pulled.

Now I fear I'll never live up to anyones expectations. I may have to just mix different recipes and then throw em together again at random and see what happens!

You just need to cook a few Mr. Browns, and make enough other odds and ends.. and then write down all the stuff you cooked how much rub you have left and you'll be set. Best part is you can eat your way to success!

Well, experimentation is certainly one of the most appealing things about this pursuit. Getting to eat the results is a big bonus.
You know, I've made and used a bunch of rubs. What I haven't done is taste them prior to using them. Duhhh..

