My smokers on a test run...question about tomorrow



New member
Right now my 22's holding at 225 for the better half of 2 hours...tried a empty run before tomorrow and the chance of ruining my meat.

I have three racks of ribs and was planning on a stuffed pork loin about 4 lbs...I know most will advise doing the loin on my kettle but I'm going with the smoker.

I figure 4.5 hours on the ribs, what do you figure on the loin?

Just want a ball park so I know what to throw on first.

At those temps your probably looking at 2.5-3.5hrs. Carry it to 135-140 internal temp. I would shoot for 250.
Matt, welcome to the group. Glenn has excellent advice and cooking skills. Too bad you didn't throw any meat on the barbie. My dogs love my mistakes.

Good Smokin' to you.
Happy New Year!!!!!


