The CL ad said "Old Gas Weber Grill." The key phrase in the description was "Reply to this and I will let you have it free ..." which I did. I just got back from picking up what I guess is a Genesis Silver B. It looks like the three burner version of my Silver A.
It included a propane tank and cover. When I got it home and opened it up, I was very pleased to see a stainless grate and flavorizer bars. Score!
The only deficits are missing thermometer and a cover that looks like the right one for my Silver A. (Too bad I already bought a cover for that one...) I'm also not sure if I can get the tank filled. It has the OPD valve but I think it is older than 12 years. I might have to exchange it.
The tank did have enough propane to light it, which it did on the first try. A little cleaning and I'll have another great Weber!
It included a propane tank and cover. When I got it home and opened it up, I was very pleased to see a stainless grate and flavorizer bars. Score!
The only deficits are missing thermometer and a cover that looks like the right one for my Silver A. (Too bad I already bought a cover for that one...) I'm also not sure if I can get the tank filled. It has the OPD valve but I think it is older than 12 years. I might have to exchange it.