My pork dilemma


A Jester

New member
Ok. So I bought a pork loin blade roast. I was thinking it was the same as a "shoulder blade roast" or a Boston butt. Apparently it isn't. Now, any suggestions on how to cook this thing? It's 5 lbs. Can I use the same method as if I was going to smoke the Boston butt? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Aaron
Aaron, it's a different beast than a pork butt, or "shoulder blade roast". The pork loin is VERY lean - no fat content, so it doesn't lend itself to low and slow. It's a great piece of pork, very flavorful, but you are better off grilling it. There are many masters here (Wolgast comes to mind) who are very familiar with preparing these delicious pieces of meat. You can always do a search for preparing on the grill, or just roast it in the oven. You won't be disappointed!
Thanks for the advice. I bought a rack and a half of baby backs to fall back on. So I'll just smoke them tomorrow.

The wife will prepare the pork loin blade roast (that's a mouthful) for dinner one night this week.

Again, thanks for schooling me.

- Aaron

