My new Weber Fam


Jose Rodriguez

New member
Hello All, I am new to all of this so hear me out. I had posted on the new welcome post of the great deal that i got. Here are some pictures of my new Weber spirit grill and my 22.5"

Both of these i got for $50 bucks...What do you guys think?

Here is what the base of the gas grill used to look like

Here is the base after i got a hold of it..easyoff and lots of water.

Here is the lid..before

Lid After.

One issue i am having is removed the 2 screws that hold the gas lines inplace..that would be on the left hand side of the base...any ideas on what i can do..i already tried WD40..still not luck.

That's a very nice score, Jose. Regarding the two screws, the ends of the burner tubes slide under the screw heads and are held in place once the manifold is secured. Unless you had some other reason to remove the screws there is no need to remove them if you are just replacing the burner tubes. Good luck with your restoration.
Hey Ralph, Thanks for the response. I now see what you mean...i did order the new burners so i should be getting them soon...can't wait to start cooking on them.

