My New Mini WSM

So both your grates are the stock Smokey Joe grates in terms of size? I need to figure out where I can find a grate on the cheap! LOL.
It is a 7431. Got mine from Amazon at same time grill was ordered. We have a local store that has them for the same price, so you might check around for places that do a lot of Weber stuff.
I think I got mine for OSH as it was the cheapest locally, and slightly cheaper than Amazon; $7.99 if I recall (it wasn't that long ago).

In total I'm using an 18 1/2" Kettle Charcoal grill on the bottom, with the bottom of the pot removed. As discussed earlier in this thread, that grate pushes past the ridge in the pot with a little force, and your diffuser (12" terracotta saucer in my case) or water pan can sit directly on this. Two Smokey Joe cooking grates then go inside to cook on, one resting on the ridge, and the other 3 3/4" from the top.

If you have difficulty pushing the charcoal grill past the ridge, you could rest it on the ridge, saucer on top and then cooking grate on top of that. This results in less usable cooking space, but it's still very workable - it's what I'd done up until yesterday!
I didn't cut the entire bottom out, I just drilled a bunch of holes so I could use a little thick metal wire rack. I think it was homemade, it's just 1/4" wire bent in a square about the size of the bottom of the pot with little metal feet about 3/4" tall. That elevates the terra-cotta saucer about 1" off the bottom so it didn't clog up my smoke holes. I guess I could rest my second rack on top of the saucer and not have to drill anymore holes in my pot which would be ideal in case I want to move the rack later.

The only thing I am worried about having the rack that close to the terra-cotta is that it may cook foods a bunch faster since it seems like it will be radiating a lot more heat than it is to the top. Or would the heat that is rising to the top make up for that? If someone who uses this method could chime in I would appreciate it. I'd hate to ruin a good piece of meat using the bottom rack for the first time. I know how the top one heats and cooks. (Which is amazingly well)
That's a very good question, and one that unfortunately I cannot answer. I too have only used the top cooking grate, and had the same concerns as you about the bottom one. Hopefully a more experienced user can chime in with their setup and experiences.
Guess everyone else is stumped here too, I may just be a guinea pig and give it a go with a couple cheap cuts of meat later on.

