My little workstation finally some organization


John Bostwick

TVWBB Wizard
Finally did some organizing. Although,my wife, said it would only last about 3 weeks.



Some old heatermeters
Nice. I usually end up obeying murphy's law when it comes to my work bench. I usually end up assembling things when it's a total mess and manage to lose thing from right under my nose. It's only after I'm done that I get fed up with the chaos and decide to clean it up!
Nice. I usually end up obeying murphy's law when it comes to my work bench. I usually end up assembling things when it's a total mess and manage to lose thing from right under my nose. It's only after I'm done that I get fed up with the chaos and decide to clean it up!

Same here. But I have photos of what it should look like until I use it again. lol
It must have been the weekend for organization. I keep all the parts laid out, this is for 50 HeaterMeters

And now this is 100 HeaterMeters

My workbench is great when it is clean too, but after an hour or two of work on it I am crushed into the corner surrounded by junk.

