My HeaterMeter build, RIP Stoker



TVWBB Member
So, I found out about HM doing searches for parts for my Dad's original Stoker & found out Rock's BBQ closed up shop :-( I have a Prusa i3 printer and a pile of equipment I inherited from my Dad last spring along with his Large Green Egg. Got the kit yesterday and it's running today! Reusing the fan mount from the Stoker for now. Using probes from a Thermoworks Smoke BBQ thermometer, so I didn't do a thermocouple. I'm trying to keep cost down right now, so this was a challenge to DIY & reuse as many parts around the house as I could. All in, with filament cost, I got about $80 in this (printed my own case, had all the probes, the Pi 3B+ & hardware from the Prusa spare parts bag :-)

Anyway, hope this inspires someone to go for it!

Sorry to hear about your father. I moved from Stoker to Heatermeter also. Surprised that the 5 volt Stoker fan works with Heatermeter, I never tried it. Would have saved me a lot of work had I known. Keep the Egg hot and BBQ flowing in his memory!
Sorry to hear about your father. I moved from Stoker to Heatermeter also. Surprised that the 5 volt Stoker fan works with Heatermeter, I never tried it. Would have saved me a lot of work had I known. Keep the Egg hot and BBQ flowing in his memory!

thank you. oh for sure! made some wings tonight on it actually! oh, I should have stated about the blower, I did swap the fan for the 12v delta. the holes don't line up though but got it put back together to work for now. figured the 5v fan would burn up otherwise, unless you capped max power at 40% or something, which, I might try to see what happens.
Yeah it really looks like a nice build and I think that's the first time I've seen a HeaterMeter blower in a Stoker mount! I wouldn't try the 5V blower in there, as in voltage mode the full 12V input is sent out to the blower to turn it on, then it ramps down. The lowest output (0%) in voltage mode is 5V too, so even 1% output would technically be too high.
Yeah it really looks like a nice build and I think that's the first time I've seen a HeaterMeter blower in a Stoker mount! I wouldn't try the 5V blower in there, as in voltage mode the full 12V input is sent out to the blower to turn it on, then it ramps down. The lowest output (0%) in voltage mode is 5V too, so even 1% output would technically be too high.

ah ok, well I won't try that then lol. I cooked some delicious buffalo wings a couple nights ago. had a hard time keeping the temp stable, the fan kept wanting to come on when the grill was at temp after I had food on (it was great beforehand), so it was overshooting on me. I didn't think to turn the fan power down at the time, but did turn the target pit temp down. I'll try that maybe this weekend, see if it helps? I do have servos coming, so I'll probably try a couple blower designs see which one I like better. Printed the micro damper last night because I'm running low on filament and found a fan to fit it in my spare parts. Thanks again & for the kind words @Bryan Mayland !

