So, I found out about HM doing searches for parts for my Dad's original Stoker & found out Rock's BBQ closed up shop :-( I have a Prusa i3 printer and a pile of equipment I inherited from my Dad last spring along with his Large Green Egg. Got the kit yesterday and it's running today! Reusing the fan mount from the Stoker for now. Using probes from a Thermoworks Smoke BBQ thermometer, so I didn't do a thermocouple. I'm trying to keep cost down right now, so this was a challenge to DIY & reuse as many parts around the house as I could. All in, with filament cost, I got about $80 in this (printed my own case, had all the probes, the Pi 3B+ & hardware from the Prusa spare parts bag 
Anyway, hope this inspires someone to go for it!

Anyway, hope this inspires someone to go for it!