My Grilled Corn on the Cob


Tom Walch

TVWBB Member
Some of the best corn I have ever had was at a Crab Boils.
I developed this method from those memories.
I boil 1 gal. of water with a Zaterains Crab Boil spice bag for at least 30 min I then
add ice to cool my spice water down. Once my spice water is room temp I let my corn
soak with the husks on for at least 2 hrs. Now I'm ready to grill my corn. The Zaterains
adds a nice spice to you corn but it needs time to penetrate the outer portion of the cob.
"Husks on".

Do you mean totally unhusked or do you pull the leaves down, pull the silk out and then wrap them back up? Otherwise, it seems that the only part that would get seasoned would be the husks.

