My First Rehab



TVWBB Member

First, thanks so much for all of the posts here, there is so much info that I think y’all are gonna make it somewhat easy for me. I stumbled spin this website and have since acquired 3 Genesis Golds, 2 Cs and a B. All of them were free and all of them need some work. The first one I’m attacking is one that I plan on having for many years to come. It’s a 2000-2001 with the beefy platinum frame. This one actually requires the least amount of work and seems to have been well cared for, no major rust at all. I’ve attached some before pictures, right now it’s in 100 pieces in the garage waiting on parts and some more clean up before paint. I do have a question though, is this manifold salvageable, and how do I get the 2 wing nuts off? I can’t wait to add more pictures as it comes along. Thanks for all of your help!12F7D671-7989-4B63-99E5-6F0303B87F69.jpeg54532DE8-D0DE-40FB-80D0-EA8A5D0C7EFD.jpegCA680862-D273-4641-9C83-558C321F5D86.jpeg82E00FFC-8805-43E8-A3FF-83507C0DAAB8.jpegBC275D83-784D-41AC-96AF-2FF8E02A13BF.jpeg417BC285-CBDA-4061-B125-8248F0E2ABDA.jpeg6BB4C9EF-31AB-4E8A-8D43-632578A7E681.jpeg297B83F6-33E3-4386-823B-C0CCB6E6EC12.jpeg5BBBF8AB-4A92-4E28-8200-42C987541C89.jpeg4F621EC5-E963-4E8C-9758-46017A16FCA4.jpeg
That manifold is pretty bad. They usually don't get that bad. I guess you will have to get it off to get a good look at it. But, I am going to say it is probably salvageable. It may require some rust remediation and repainting however.
You are going to have to remove the wing nuts with a pair of pliers as best you can and you may wind up twisting off the bolt which is common. In that case, you will have to drill out or pound out the old bolts from the cook box. Be careful with pounding though as you can crack the cook box.

If the mounting brackets are rusted really bad where they attach to the cook box, you might have to have them reinforced with some welding. I did that with a manifold last year.

That looks like an awesome rehab candidate grill though and I can't wait to see it cleaned up and rehabbed.
A trick I have used to get those wing bolts out with some success. Heat the surrounding area with either a heat gun or plumber's torch. Put an ice cube on the wing bolt. It sometimes will shrink the bolt enough to get it out. Liberal use of PBlaster is also recommended
Thanks everyone, I got the manifold off, but the more I look at it the more I just want to replace it, especially since I plan on keeping this one for a long time. I got a lot of it cleaned up today and some primer on the rusted areas. The next step is a final sand and paint while waiting on the stainless steel bolts to get here.. and a manifold I guess.

