My first pork butt is smoking

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Dale Perry

I went ahead and got started and am very pleased at how well the temp is holding. I am very impressed with my WSM so far. I have 2 butts smoking that are 7.5 lbs each. Im going for the low and slow temp of 210-220. I will let everyone know how it goes. Thanks for the tips!

How long "about" will it take at those temps anyhow?
Here's how I do it, and you can extrapolate from it:

A 7.5 lb. butt, put in the cooker at refrigerator temp, is cooked at 250* (measured at the grate), and cooked until it reaches 150*. It is then wrapped in foil and continues to cook until it reaches 205*-- usually about 13 hours total. Foiling accelerates the process, so, if you don't, at your temp, it will take longer-- probably more like 18 hours or greater for that size.

Don't take the "low" part of low & slow too-too literally with a butt-- you're not going to achieve any better results at 210* than at 250*, really. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any benefit whatsoever to cooking below 225*. I've taken butts to anywhere from 185-190* in the past, but, when I started finishing them at 205* for pulled pork, the difference was night and day.
Well I just checked the temp and it is at 225 now. Perfect cause I want it to go slow so I can catch a few zzzs without any worries. Steve, I plan on pulling them off at 200-205 like Doug D says. I want all the fat to render out. 16-20 hours wont hurt my feelings any. No hurry here, I got plenty o brews and im off work till Monday.
I switch them when doing 2 from top grill to bottom, bottom grill to top at my guess when halfway done should be. I stick my probe in then also. I do flip them at this point and spray with basting sauce. If you look at "Mr Brown" on this web site it should also help you.
I used to flip them. Don't bother anymore. Half the time I don't even baste them. Just put 'em in the smoker and forget about it until the next day. With the ET-73 I can set the alarms and pretty much forget about it. Only worry is losing the signal. It's easy enough to glance over at it every so often just to make sure it's working.
Well I might have caught a few more zzzzs than I should have. Went out and checked the WSM at 4:30 and the temp was 180. I opened bottom vents to 100%, and added 10 unlit briquets, fired up 10 in the weber starter in a blazing hurry and at 6:00am temp is holding at 225. I am going to let it rise up to 230-240 before I ease down on the vents. I am a bit surprised on how little coals were left amongst the ash. Kinda makes ne wonder if I had a spike in heat while I was sleeping, but there was water in the pan, so probably not? I went ahead and baste the butts while I was at it.
I just watched the weather channel and my luck is running low. Thunderstorms heading my way later on. Woe to me. Is it to early for a cold one? lol
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dale P:
[qb] Is it to early for a cold one? lol
DP [/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>It's 5 o'clock somewhere /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
My thoughts on "is it too early for a cold one" are as follows. If the coals are burning, you need to have something to cool yourself off. Go for it.
Talking about coals, I have used 15 lbs of kingsford and I am not even close to being done. 17.5 hrs and counting since the butts were put in the cooker. Wind is giving me fits, and people are coming. Might be eating pizza.
Wrap em in heavy duty foil, and put it in the oven at 225. I don't like to foil, but Bro you have gone through too much allready. Finish it in the oven. As long as you have been smoking, it will still taste great. Pull it out before the company gets there and accept all their compliments modestly.
Well after 9 hours I have an internal temperature of about 182 degrees. I guess I will let it cook a few more hours. I am not trying to render out all of the fat and the butt I got had a bone on it and the meat has pulled back slightly to expose the bone. I tested the thermometer with boiling water (it had a mark on it for a boiling test). So I guess I will let it cook for 3 more hours and check the internal temperature again. I am shooting for 190 or 195.....right. Anyways, almost miller time. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Bryan, you are way ahead of me. The weather here today hasnt been so good, so I have taken Mikes advice to wrap and put into oven. My internal temp on both butts are exactly 160 degrees. Now I wonder how long it will take in the oven? They look like burnt rocks but they smell fantastic. i tuged on the bone just for the "thrill" of it and they definitly arent done. I have learned some from this. Louisvilles weather advisers sux and 200 aint hot enough.
So, how's it coming, guys? Sorry to hear that you all got nailed by some nasty weather. Wasn't much better out here in Hawaii in the last week, but then again, I'm still WAITING for my WSM. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

I've had my Butts in for 7 hours and I just put a Thermometer into the larger one (on the top Grate) Internal Temp is 160. After reading some more, I decided to bring the temp up to 230-240 (at the center grate).I'm thinking another 4-5 Hour should do it. Will it harm the butt at all if I reduce the temps during that last few hours to slow down the process? I might need step out for a few hours from 6-8 (I'll be close enough to check the temps every 30 minutes or so.)
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bryan Wadkins:
[qb] Well after 9 hours I have an internal temperature of about 182 degrees. I guess I will let it cook a few more hours.[/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Bryan,
Keep temp plateaus in mind. My experience has always been that 180 mark is a tough ride. Even with stable grate temps I've watch the internal temp of the butt actually decrease during the cook at this plateau. You'll likely see a long ride to pulling temps.
Mike Provance, Man I got to tell you thanks for the tip on foiling and oven finishing of the butts. Saved the day. I thought I was going to have to order pizza.

The Q was pretty darn good but I know next time it will be even better. A friend ate 4 big sandwiches plus all the fixins, and the rest of everyone had seconds. Cant believe how much meat came off of them and I am real surprised at how easy it was to pull too.It didnt take long for the butts to get to 195 which was a blessing because everyone arrived hungry and ready to eat.

I learned alot from this experience and I give credit to everyone on this site and I also wish to thank everyone for their replys. I think Ill go pass out now.

Next week is ribbin time!
Like I said, I don't like to foil, But foiled Cue beats delivered pizza any day of the week! What you do is admit to only "keeping it warm" in the oven. Graciously and modestly accept your comps, and know in your heart that it will be even better next time when you don't have to foil.
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