My first pork butt adventure

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Mark Etheridge

TVWBB Super Fan
Hey everybody,

Well, it 8:30pm on a Friday night and I pulled my 7.65 lb bone-in pork shoulder ($.79/lb /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ) out of the fridge. I trim the fat down to 1/4" or thereabouts, massage it with French's yellow mustard and sprinkled some Corky's BBQ dry rub on it. Back in the fridge it went. I am doing the quick cook version found on this site.

9:30am -- The baby's down for her morning nap and my wife is still asleep as I drag out the WSM and get ready to fire up a chimney full of Kingsford. I get ready to light off the newspaper lighter is out of juice and I don't have another one. /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif I hope this isn't a bad omen. I search the house hi & low and finally find some matches and away we go. An hour later this chimney is ready to go so I dump it in the ring and fill the ring to the top with unlit coals.

11:15 -- All coals are lit. Assembled the WSM and put the meat on. 4 chunks of apple and 3 small chunks of hickory are used for smoke. It's 47 degrees with a 3 mph wind.

11:30 -- Time for Auburn vs Ole Miss. WAR EAGLE!! Smoke is belching out of the WSM. Wife says she smelled the smoke up in our bedroom.

11:45 -- I walk outside to check the temps and my Polder the dual temp probe one) has crapped out again!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif I don't have anyway to determine the temperature of the meat now. /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif That's two bad omens in the same cook...Uh-Oh!!! One thing's for sure..I'm taking this POS back and getting the one that works. Luckily, I have the thermometer from my turkey frier so I put that in the top vent...250, not bad.

1:15 -- The temp jumps to 280...Hmmmm, could I be low on water? Sure enough, I add about a 1/2 gallon of water. I stir the coals gently for good measure. Auburn is up 14-0 in the 2nd quarter...WAR EAGLE!!

3:15 -- AUBURN WINS!! -- 31-24 on a last minute interception. I can now sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of the day /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

3:30 -- The meats been on for a little over 4 hrs now. Time to wrap it in foil. Temps running about 235-250. So far, so good. I stir the coals again. In reading Chris's recount of his cook, I decide that if I do what he did after he foiled it, I should reach 190.

6:30 -- The meat has been in the foil for 3 hrs...time to pull the meat off and see what comes out. I stick my turkey frier thermometer in the meat to check the temp. 150..170 (starting to slow down), 180 (come on darlin'), 185 (almost...), 188 (just...a little...more), 190!!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif I wrap it in some towels and wait for my wife to get home.

7:00 -- I remove the foil and the butt looks exactly like the ones in Chris' pix. I start to pull the meat and the bones come out super easy and clean as my daughter's bottom. The meat shreads like paper, has a nice smoke ring, is very moist and smells up the whole house. A little more Corky's rub and we're ready to eat.

7:15 -- In the middle of eating my wife says that we must have everybody over one day and do 2 of these. "It's that good, honey?" "Yes," she says. "It's that good"

And all is right with the world.
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