My first overnighter... folks, this sounds so adolescent ;).

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Keith H.

OK, let me get this straight...

Brisket goes on bottom and rump{s?) go on top (reminds me of "BIG", "OK, but I get to be on top") and then (per Shawn, BTW..which side is the loonie on?) Scallops, wrapped in bacon and chicken parts (dipped in some marinade) go around outside edges. AND I consume quantities of adult beverage(s?) and (per Mssr. Rempe) sleep the night away.

Something is out-of-order. I think scallops and chicken can wait until I wake up and then, hit-da-grill. (right ?) /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
OK Keith, you win the King of Parenthesis title (formerly held by me). /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>which side is the loonie on? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
the one opposite the queens head

The scallops over the edge like that? If your running say a temp of 250F, I don't think I'd leave them longer than 30 minutes before checking them. Haven't tried them that way yet that's just an initial guess. They grill over medium heat in 10 minutes depending on size....
Dude, if you put them there over night they wouldn't exist in the morning/be indistinguishable from the other crud on the grate /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif have fun
Ok. Brisket flat and two butts started bout 1800 (6P). Now bout 2000 (8P). Dome temp just hit 250 and I closing down just a smidgen (like that word?). Hope to hit and stay at 240-245 in the dome...

Shawn...two things, scallops and bacon are in the wings for tomorrow morning and I asked a Canadienne and she sez the loonie is on the side with the bird on it and I would just have to guess which.

Greg: Got the vinegar and oil spritz ready to go.
Keith, what is the ETA for the finish. Scallops eh? Not a bad combo if I do say so myself.

Speaking of myself: 6lb pork butt for my younger brother is currently in the WSM. Put it on around 10pm EST and running at a smoker temp of 250 and the meat is 101. Waiting another hour or so to have temp stabilize as it is quite windy in C-Town tonight...I have my windscreen up...hope it works! I gonna get to see pics at some're killin me over here!!

Good luck and if you have any question you know where to find me(here or there)!! Now, go get some sleep and see that I'm not a liar!!
ETA??? Aw heck, knew I should have noted the weights. Hard to estimate without that information. Will just have to Polder it and thats OK cuz just a little planned for today.

Temp was down to 220 at about 0430 but are back up at 240 now. I quess should go poke the therm in the brisket and see how it is doing.

Sorry, no pics. Pic machine is in SC this weekend. Grandson is here. Something wrong with THIS picture. Daughter brought important stuff tho.

Yep, slept the night thru for the most part. Got up with grandson (5 mos) and he and I check the temps at 0430 then took another nap. This WSM is really ronpopeilish (you know Set It and ... haha)
Arrggghhh! Polder sez brisket is 199...tin foil and toweled that baby... what are butts...205 yikess....not yet...tin foiled and toweled those also!

Didn't even get scallops wrapped with bacon. Well, will have to get rest of meal together. SWMBO is of to grocer to get lard for Ms. Keri's State Fair biscuits.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned...stole a sample before the butts could get wrapped in towels.

Now know that I will be sinning again later today. Anything THIS GOOD must have a sin attached to it somewhere. /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif
Keith, I talked to Jesus and he said it was ok for you to do just had to think about him whilst you were pilfering a piece so he could tatse it as well!!

*Hope I didn't offend anyone* /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
Here ya go Keith...perhaps this will help...
We'll call it...

The Smokers Prayer

Our fodder, who art in smoker,
Barbeque be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, the meat be done,
All gone by quarter to 7.
Give us this day our daily smoke,
And forgive all those tresspassers,
As we forgive those,
Who pass gas amongst us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from grillers',

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
BTW Keith, how did the O&V spray workout?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

NICE BARK, bit shiny, VERY NICE ! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tony Ventura:
Here ya go Keith...perhaps this will help...
We'll call it...

_The Smokers Prayer_


Tks ... DECADENT is about the only word I can come up with and I usually only use that whenst speaking of chocolate.
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