My first Butt on the Virgin WSM!! 5am EST

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Matt Goin

TVWBB Super Fan
Alright boys.......... This is the first Sunday that the Performer Kettle and standard kettle are staying under cover. My WSm came on Thursday and I have added my Thermometer and new water pan already!! It is in my bedrrom with the cover on it. I will be sad to see it go outside /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif . My wife does not feel the same way. I have a plan, and hopefully it goes along with the log i will have. I am gonna start the coals at 4 or 5 am with the minion method and go back to sleep. I will be a t church from 8 to 10 so i will have to leve it alone. I want to try and have the butt complete by 5 or 6 or 7. And i am gonna put a Beer Chicken on at 1:00.

i am a little worried about the virgin run and high temps, But I have never had a bad meal from my kettle. I owe it all to weber (or the cook!!)

I think I have all of pointers so far, but any extra would be good.

Of corse, a pep rally before the big cook is really what this Florida boy needs.

I will be checking in throughout the night.

and at 4:59am also.

i expect lots of help from the westcoast given the timeframe for this post.

Thanks guys

Long Live the KETTLE!!!
(Cobwebs and all!!)
Your going to do fine!!
My WSM only a couple mounths old didnt run hot the first time I used it. If your worried -use the Minion methode. I find it easier to bring temps up than down. Butt is pretty forgiving too.

Good Luck and most importantly-have fun.
How's it going Matt? Bet that pork is smelling pretty good about now.

I was up at 5:00am and you were no where to be seen. Actually, no one else was on the board!
Hey Rob,

I didnt arouse out of bet until 6:00.. The snooze button habit got me. I used the minion method and put 1 butt on the bottom grate at 6:45a. All 3 vent s were wide open.
At 7:25 the lid temp was 290, so i went to 50 on all vents including the top. (First time using the bullet, so i figured this was gonna bee hotter than usual. Came back at 10:40 and the tmep was 280 all vents at 50. turned, mopped and added water.( water pan is a pain to refill).. i bought another water pan thinking it for a brinkman, but the diameter is too small for the WSm. 11:40 and the temp was 230 so i stirred the coals and opend all vents. Its 12:00 now and temp is at 250 on the lid. I will moved the butt to the top grate at 1:00 and put a beer chicken on the bottom grate.

so far so good!! Oh it does smell awesome!!
Sounds good Matt!

I think the pan you want is the Brinkman charcoal pan. I've been using sand in my Weber pan for a while now on the longer cooks, and really like it. You never have to worry about refilling. On shorter cooks - ribs, chicken, fish, etc - I'll fill it with water, knowing it will last the duration.
2:00 and the Bud light chicken is on!!

Just got back from Home depot and bought a "transmission' funnel. Funnel with narrow long spout. Much easier to refill the water pan.

Pork temp is 177, just put the probe in for the duration of the cook.

Butt on top and chicken on bottom.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by matt goin:
[qb] i bought another water pan thinking it for a brinkman, but the diameter is too small for the WSM. [/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Brinkmann makes two charcoal pans. You need the larger one.
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