Must-do Mods for a Newbie

If I got a new WSM I would immediately add two garage door handles using the pre-existing holes, add another charcoal grate (maybe a slightly smaller much cheaper one) with the bars at right angles to the original one and wire the entire charcoal assembly together. Later I would get a large ceramic dish, foil it and put it in the dry foiled water pan. On my present WSM I have gromettes but I'm not sure how necessary they are
I have been playing with the mods too and this is my first season with a WSM. Started out with a used 22. In my opinion gaskets are a must for these because mine always ran hot, used a lot of fuel and was almost impossible to shut down. I sold it and bought an 18.5 which was what I wanted in the first place. The bowl was out of round so I added the Nomex material to it and sealed it up tight. It works like a charm. I can dial the temp up or down in a few minutes. I have the garage door handles and on the one hole used for the grill straps I used a round file and opened it up to accomodate the lamp rod and then fitted it with a nipple.
I also added four more tabs to allow for another grill for jerky. Then I used open steel mesh and welded it 7" high around a 14" charcoal grate. I can lift this on and off and let it sit at right angles to the existing grate.

Finally I have a Brinkman (charcoal)water pan and a clay saucer and I will use either depending on what I am cooking.

I love my little WSM
The only mods I have made is adding the guru eyelets. I have a 22.5 and I don't consider it a fuel hog at all, unless you cook with water in the pan. I will occasionally use a clay saucer in the water pan for short cooks (ribs). Otherwise I go with a empty foiled pan. I use a IQue 110 for overnight cooks. I have cooked for 16 hours on it without adding coals - in fact I have a few left over after sealing it up to extinguish the fire. The amount of lit briquettes you start with has a huge influence on temps. That is the trick to learn - I have started with too few and had problems getting up to temps, or too many and had problems running hot.

I do wish it had handles on the center chamber.
@Kevin. You're right about the water pan in the 22. Even with very hot water it takes a lot of energy to get up to temp. The problem I had was trying to shut it down after I got there. My first cook (learning) was an entire 16 lb bag of briquettes to do a 9 lb. shoulder.
The 22's are big and they are a much heavier lift than the 18's especially if they have 3 gallons of water plus food on two racks. I'm not sure you would be wanting to lift them while there at work. They do use a lot of fuel so you may want to consider a smaller ring such as the 18.5 for the shorter cooks other than that I would use for a while. The grommet mods are easy and use the existing bolt holes for the grill straps.
The most effective "Mod" I've ever made to any WSM is to add -quality- wheels (casters) to the legs...With the wheels on, I roll them right out of the garage and into the (concrete) driveway with no problem...Wheels come in particularly handy at (most) competitions when it seems (without fail) you need to get your cooker out of the wind or into a more protected area. Note: if doing this "Mod" be careful to mount the wheels as vertically as possible, any "toe-in" or "toe out" and the thing will handle like a WalMart shopping cart when you push it.
I've struggled to maintain low temps even with all bottom vents 100% closed, so I'm about to try the nomex gasket mod.

Hey Mark R check your charcoal bowl for being out of round. My 2006 was the same. I pulled it into round with pipe clamps and added Nomex fixed the problem. Absolute control. I can snuff my smoker out in about 30 minutes.

Mike I had a 22. They are hard on fuel. Part of it is heating up 3 gallons of water so don't fill it. Consider a smaller charcoal ring as well. I was new at this with my 22 and if I knew then what I know now I "may" have kept it but I love the 18.5. You may find it hard to control. Watch the door for air leaks but use it first until you see for yourself how it performs. Lot's of people on here love them...others...not so much.

