Mushy pork

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Howard Barlow

TVWBB Super Fan
A few nights ago, I put 2 7lb butts on the top rack and a 16 lb brisket on bottom, in my WSM. @ 230?, it took 18 hours to reach 200? on both racks.

The brisket was foiled and served about 2 hours later. It was inhaled. Perfect.

Circumstances required me to foil the butts and put them in the igloo for about 5 hours. When I took them out to pull, they were good but on the beginning edge of getting mushy/soft. The flavor was right, the texture acceptable, but a little softer than desired.

Normally, the butts would finish much sooner, but they went right along with the brisket. Probes in all meat, therms working properly.

Do you think the softness came from the foiling for 5 hours?
While it is in the foil it is still cooking and that's why it's mushy. If you know your going to have to hold for a long period pulling off the cooker at 187 to 195? would help a lot.

Foil wrapping hot meat steams the meat resulting in a mealy/mushy/pot roast texture. I try, at all costs, to avoid wrapping BBQ in foil. If I have to hold meat I let it cool for as long as practical before wrapping.

If you feel you need to foil BBQ meat, Jim M's suggestion of taking it off the cooker at a lower temperature seems reasonable, as do the majority of his suggestions.


Smoking in Chicago,
One thing about butt and brisket is they are all different and some just don't give up as easily as others. On an average 7 pound butts take aprox 16 hours, some only 14 but I've had then take closer to 20.
I pull butts at 195? any more because I find waiting to pull them at 200 ot higher takes away from the texture (mushier) than I like.
Again if I'm going to be holding them foiled in a dry cooler or a cambro then I will pull them off even sooner.

I did an overnight cook Saturday night with two butts, one 6.10lb the other 5.95lb. Put them on the WSM at 9:30pm and pulled them at 9:30am Sunday. Had to hold them in cooler until 1pm. The temp when taken off was 186. After foiling and wrapping in a towel, I inserted probe into the bigger one and watched the temp climb to 191 within 1 hour. It then started to decline. Sorry for the length...I agree with Jim, pull them earlier.
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