Mushy Butt

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Larry Wolfe

Closed Account
Okay, I did two 7.5lb boneless butts yesterday. Ran into somethng a little different. I pulled both butts at 190* and wrapped and put in the cooler for an hour and a half. Pulled the first one, perfect! Started pulling the second one and immediately something was different. It literally fell apart, kinda like a big blob. I dig into the meat and start pulling and start pulling out big clumps of fat that kinda had "skin" on it. This was throughout the meat. The meat was mushy. Like it was "poached" in fat, or more like cooked in a crock pot. NO I did not and do not foil, butts!! I will eat anything, so I tasted it the taste was fine but the texture just wasn't there! I mixed the meat from the two butts together and couldn't really tell the difference. I have never had or seen a butt like this one. I am actually eating some right now and it is excellent. But what was the deal with the fat clumps?
Larry, could have been a fatty butt! I foil my butts and haven't run in to them having clumpy fat deposits.

Probably just got a bad butt...espically if the first one was ok. Glad the taste is good today...don't mind if I get myself a sammich do ya??
Please <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>don't mind if I get myself a sammich do ya?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> make yourself two sammiches and take some home. My wife decided last night she doesn't like meat much anymore! Go figure! Now i have about 10lbs of Q that needs to be frozen or eaten. I need that foodsaver before X-mas!! I used the TXBBQ #1 on the butts, very yummy! I will tell you what though, even though the second butt was mushy, this was a good cook!
I've had that too Larry,

Some butts are just fattier than others and produce a "Mushyier" Q I've had the other extreme where I had taken most of the fat cap off a very lean shoulder and even though I did foil (after cooking) and sunk it inot a cooler for a couple of hours she still wouldnt give a moist end product.

<Many of you seem real high on this texas #1 rub may have to try that sometime. Does it really beat the rubs you can make for yourself with a little help form friends here on the board?

I think it does. At SmokeStock this past weekend we cooked two pork butts and I made a mixture of texasbbq rub #1 and texasbbq rub #2(brisket blend); I made it about 60/40, #1 to #2. I have to tell you, the bark on those butts was the best I have ever had. There was the sweetness to it that the #1 brings and just a little spiciness from the #2. It was great!

We also rubbed the butts down with Worsty sauce prior to applying the rub, not alot, just enough to wet 'em down and hold the rub on.
It just seems that there are so many resources for making our own rubs that we should be able to come pretty close. For me I'm spoiled by having the spicehouse a 10 minute drive away.

I find that even if I have a clone recipie of a comercial rub the freshness is usually so much better in my clone that it makes up any difference.

Having said that I am not bullheaded enough to not hear lots of you who seem to swear by this stuff so I may just ahve to take the plunge.

Hey on the ribs I'm making today I'm using texas ribrangers rib rub and some bubbas got a top secret rib rub

I really want to find the opportunity to take a Paul Kirk class sometime. His article in the BBQ'er on how to make your own BBQ rub was part of what got me going on the homade rub kick.

Thanks Bruce
The TXBBQ rub is pretty good stuff. I much prefer the #2 over the #1. To me the #1 is too sweet, I haven't tried it on ribs yet. But I think it would be perfect for ribs! The #2 is not as sweet and has a little spice to it, but not too much. As far as freshness, when I talked to Bill Cannon from TXBBQ. He said it is made fresh everyday.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR><Many of you seem real high on this texas #1 rub may have to try that sometime. Does it really beat the rubs you can make for yourself with a little help form friends here on the board? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't get me wrong it is good stuff, but I do think you can make your own rub for much less $$'s. It all depends if you want the convenience, you need to pay the cost. I would recommend trying it and tell for yourself. You can ask for a sample, just be sure to ask for #1 & #2. Would I buy it again???................probably not.
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