Multi-meat question for 7/9

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Good morning everyone,

I've got a situation I need some help with. I am staggering the cooking of brisket, spareribs, chicken and hot links for a meal at 6pm. I need to have all the meat ready to travel by 5pm to head over to the party location.

The 10lb brisket has been on fat side up since 11:30pm last night. After a couple of hours at 210 it cooked steady until now at 235. I changed out the water and it has a NICE bark on it already. I applied hickory smoke for about 6 of those 8 hours.

The 8lbs slab of ribs is coming to room temp right now and I plan on putting them on at 10:00am CST. My plans are to apply 4 hours of pecan smoke to the ribs then wrap them in foil for the final two hours until 4pm, then cooler them.

The chicken is brined, butterflied and ready to be put on at 1:00pm. I know I am going to lose the crispy skin so I plan on foiling and wrapping the chicken for the trip as well at 5pm.

Lastly I have some hot links I plan on boiling in Dr. Pepper and smoking for two hours starting at 2pm with the chicken.

My question is what to do with the brisket re: wrapping. I've already hit it with 6 hours of smoke. Should I wrap it in foil before I start smoking the spareribs so it doesn't get too smokey or mix the pecan with the hickory?

I am going to have to wrap it for the trip anyway so I know I am going to lose the crispy bits.

Thanks Kevin. I wrapped in saran and foiled away. The ribs are on now and the temp is steady at 230.


