Mr. Brown's a hero

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f.j. tedford

Smoked a 7# butt using the RMB recipe and Chris' instructions. Wow! Cooked to 187 internal temp which turned out to be easily pullable. Tender great flavor, black as coal, chewey and spicey bark. Everyone went back for seconds and did considerable damage to themselves.

My only problem was that I filled the charcoal ring instead of going 2/3 or so and had to remove about 20 coals about 1-1/2 hr into the smoke to get down to 240 - 250 at the grate. I forgot Chris was smoking 13# in that example not my 7#.

This was so good I don't know if I can bring myself to try another butt recipe such as the mustard slathered variety. And that from a Texas boy who knew beef was BBQ and pigs were for bacon.
Hello fjbasalt, sounds like you had a great time. The "Renowan Mr. Brown" was the first rub I ever used, and I still use it about 70% of the time today. It is a good one.

Take care and enjoy your BBQ!

[This message has been edited by Bruce A. Kennedy (edited 08-05-2001).]
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