Morton Sugar Cure


Chad Hampton

New member
I was given a bag of Morton's Sugar Cure. I'm trying to find out some information on this stuff and if anyone hase ever used it. I was thinking about trying to use it as a wet cure on some pork butts.
Originally posted by Chad Hampton:
I was given a bag of Morton's Sugar Cure. I'm trying to find out some information on this stuff and if anyone hase ever used it. I was thinking about trying to use it as a wet cure on some pork butts.

I believe you can use it interchangeably for Tender Quick. Check Morton's website and they should have more info and some recipes.
I was surprised that the Morton website did not have actual recipes, just a recipe book you can buy. I have a couple of pounds coming over to me and will try it out.

I found one commercial sausage website that said it was 2 pounds of Morton Tender Quick per gallon for a wet cure. So it will be a dry cure for me, I don't want to use the whole bag on a single gallon of water.

Here is a guy doing a dry cure with a recipe for a maple flavored bacon using Tender Quick. Note that the recipe given is for 1 pound, so it needs to be multiplied by however many pounds of pork belly you do: Onceachef I plan to give it a run when my Morton Tender Quick shows up.
I don't think sugar cure and quick cure are the same. I picked up sugar cure at an Amish farmer's market yesterday just for fun and it seems made for curing hams for the most part. It has directions for 3 applications about a week apart. There was a mention of bacon and "other small cuts" but only listed an amount to use, no real directions besides the ham.

To be honest, it's like this stuff as made for people who know what to do already.
Morton Sugar Cure Plain can be used interchangeably With Morton Tender Quick measure for measure.
Morton Sugar Cure Smoke Flavored is a totally different product and can NOT be used interchangeably with Morton Tender Quick.
Morton Sugar Cure Smoke Flavored contains only nitrate, no nitrite, and is intended for long term dry curing of hams, etc.


Have fun!

Morton Sugar Cure is recommended by Morton for bacon. If I have TQ on hand, can I add more sugar to get closer to SQ?
Morton Sugar Cure is recommended by Morton for bacon. If I have TQ on hand, can I add more sugar to get closer to SQ?

Morton Sugar Cure Plain is essentially the same product as Morton Tender Quick, it doesn't contain extra sugar....both contain ~2%.
Use Tender Quick as directed, apply extra sugar after measuring out the appropriate amount of Tender Quick if you wish.

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