model & serial numbers


John Keefer

TVWBB Member
can someone steer me in the right direction, somewhere on this form there is a place that you can put your serial # and model number and it will give
you the year.
EH: 1994
EO: 1995
ER: 1996
EI: 1997
EZ: 1998
EE: 1999
DD: 2000
DA: 2001
DU: 2002
DT: 2003
DH: 2004
DO: 2005
DR: 2006
DI: 2007
DZ: 2008
DE: 2009
AD: 2010
AA: 2011
AU: 2012
AT: 2013
AH: 2014
AO: 2015
AR: 2016
AI: 2017
AZ: 2018
AE: 2019
UD: 2020
UA: 2021
UU: 2022

