Mixed results - Beef Jerky

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R.D. Harles

Hello everyone!
Did my first beef jerky on the WSM last weekend.
Had the local butcher slice 1/4 inch strips
from a top round. They were about 2 inches wide
and 8-9 inches long. I hung them from the top grate using toothpicks. Started with 20 pieces of charcoal and added 10-15 pieces every 2 hours or so. Temperature control was not a problem - it ranged from about 150 - 180.
The problem I had is with the results: the top 1/3 of the meat (at the top of the grill) was crispy and the bottom 1/3 of the meat was not dry enough.
I'm thinking the following things may have contributed to the results, but I'm not sure, and I'd love to get some opinions:
1.) the strips were too long (touching or into the dry foil-lined water pan)
2.) Temperatures may have been too low. Most of the time the temp was close to 160 and that is being read from a thermometer in the top vent hole. I took the jerky off after 9 1/2 hours.

Other thoughts/feedback?
Hi RD!

I been making jerky for over 20 years now and have used the WSM the last 5. Head over to my page for my techniques on jerky making.

2 suggestions for you..........

Load the charcoal ring about 1/2 full, then light about 5-10 briqs and add them on top. You can keep the temps low using this method plus no need to refill. This is the Minion method with fewer lit briqs.

Lose the toothpicks! Take a look at the trays I now use.....MUCH easier and about 5 times more volume.

I think you are correct about the lower pieces of meat being too close to the water pan. The temp down there is cooler so the pieces will take longer to dry. You should have also noticed that the outermost pieces dry much quicker as well. As you get closer to the sides of the unit, the heat is hotter and dries it quicker.

I always rotate my meat at about the 1/2 way point...hard to judge but usually after 5 hours you can rotate. This is one of the drawbacks on the tray system. The middle trays, on both levels, need to be rotated to the top and vice versa. A small drawback and worth the effort.

A higher heat will NOT help you. Too much above 180? and you start to cook the beef...NOT what you want to do.

Stogie's Jerky page

Funny this comes up today...I just started cutting up 22 lbs. of top round to make this weekend. I helped my neighbor do his 20 lbs. last night. Jerky, jerky, jerky!! LOL

Hope this helps you out, RD!
Thanks Stogie.
That's some good advice!
I will definitely look for some of those trays.
That looks like the way to go...
Already looking forward to my next batch.
Wow! 22lbs. - That's some serious jerky making.
Have fun!
Yeah I agree...TOO serious! LOL

I have a love-hate relationship with jerky. I love it during the first 15 minutes, but get real tired of it later! It's drying now. The trimmed weight is 16 lbs. so I should get about 6-7 lbs. of finished jerky.

Good luck and let us know if we can help!
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