mixed bag results

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Mike Horn

New member
Well, I either got lucky or I may be getting a handle on things. The plan was to cook for the family--about 10 people--but they all seemed to bring friends, so I ended up with over 15. Had plenty of meat, but it sure put the pressure on an inexperienced cook! I Mean family is one thing, but GUESTS!!?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif

I stopped by a Sam's and picked up a threesome of bbacks, a duo of Boston butt and a brisket flat. I figured I was already in trouble, when all they had was the flat, and I had no time to find a packer's cut.

I used the Minion method and had the WSM up to 245 when I threw the brisket on the bottom rack and one butt on the top. Everything was perking along nicely until I opened the cooker for the first (and only) time to mop the butt and spray the brisket. The temp spiked to 270 I could NOT get it back down! I added cool water to the pan, hoping that might help but got nada. In desperation, I wrapped the meat in the dreaded foil. I finally decided that there would be no more basting and patiently waited for the temps to drop.

After an hour and a half, things finally cooled down and the foil came off, but this put me late in adding the rolled ribs to the top rack. It was at this point that I realized the additional people were coming and that I had a potential disaster on my hands!

The BRITU ribs went on at 3:00 with supper "scheduled" for 6:30. I've learned enough from the posts here to know that the meat will determine when supper time is, and I'm thinking I bit off WAY more than I could chew, this being only my third real cook with the WSM.

I took a calculated risk that everybody (but me) would rather have supper at a reasonable hour than to wait for the perfect doneness, so I pulled the brisket and the butt at 6:30, wrapped in foil and towels and had a cold one.

I did a tear test on the ribs at 7:00 and thought they would be adequate, so they came off. Little did I know, the pork pulled beautifully, the brisket was tender (although slightly drier than I like) and the ribs were to die for!! The smoke ring was the best I have ever gotten and all had the best flavor. I used three small chunks of pecan at the start and one small each of apple and cherry when the ribs went on.

Disaster was averted and I just got my first taste of what makes q'ing so much fun for all of us---the gratification of friends and family for a job well done (or in this case, a job that luckily turned out)!
Dealing with the the stuff that happens while cooking Q is what it is about. Sounds like you did good! If they love food you won one.
Mike, for some reason sams only carries the flat while 200 yards across the street Super Wal-Mart has the packers cut. At least thats how it is here in Pa. Sams also trims the flats way down they hardly leave any fat on and charge $1.99lb while Wal-Mart sells the cryovac packers cut at .87lb. /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif Bryan
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