Mis-labled, but still good.


Andrew F

TVWBB Super Fan
The wife and I wanted pulled pork for the holiday weekend. I went to the store and grabbed my normal "Pork shoulder roast with bone." The pork took really long to cook, but I wasn't too worried as I was cooking it the day before. At about 12 hours however, I was out of time and light, so off the smoker it came, got wrapped in foil and cherry Dr Pepper and into the oven @300 it went. Took another 1.5 hours! At tender I removed it from the oven, into the fridge and me to bed. The next morning I went to pull the pork and instead of the normal triangle bone, I ended up with what looked like a leg bone with what looked like the bottom of a chicken leg joint on it. And a few other scrap bone parts.

Meat needed a finishing sauce, but it was still super good.

