Minion for multiple meat?

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I have some time off coming to me next week and I'm looking to use it for smoking. I'm planning on smoking about 6 lbs of spares and a 4lb brisket all at the same time. I'm wondering if the Minion method is overkill for this type of cook. I wouldn't expect it to take more than 6 - 7 hours which is right at the beginning of the time range for Minion cooks.

The ability to start cooking in 20 minutes is very attractive but at the same time I don't want to waste charcoal. In the past, keeping constant temps has been a bit of a challenge (I'm still learning) so if the MM would help in that regard, I'm willing to poke through the ashes for unlit coals after the fact.

Finally, due to the brisket's small size, should that go in a foil pan to keep it moist or will the ribs offer sufficient basting provided that they go on the top rack?

Thanks in advance. This board has helped me with every cook I've ever done and I appreciate it immensely.

Brandon, I use the MM for all my cooks except poultry. You can avoid the "waste" of charcoal by using less. The MM doesn't always need to be used with a full ring of fuel. Fill it half way or a little more and you'll be fine and you won't have all the waste you are worried about!

It is always easier to control temps on the way up, so if you have been struggling with that, this will be a good opportunity to see how well the MM works for such problems!

I expect pictures...GOOD LUCK!!!
I think you'll be really safe if you put your wee brisket in a foil pan. The tradeoff is a nice bark, and maybe some of the smoke ring, but at least it will be moist moist moist.

Or you can try the radical FAT CAP DOWN, ribs on tope method and see if that doesn't help preserve the juices...! Mebbe that's the way to go.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I'm wondering if the Minion method is overkill for this type of cook. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not at all, just do as Greg suggested and use less charcoal. Then sift through and re-use what is left. Good luck!
By the way Susan, congrats on reaching "All Star Status"!!
Thanks for the info everyone. Looks like it's the Minion Method for me. I'm quite excited to see the difference in cooking. I will, of course, provide pictures as I have for past cooks.

And Larry, isn't it nice to have a game this week that us 'Skins fans don't have to worry about.
Bye weeks are a gift from heaven.

Careful they are liable to beat themselves in practice!! Hopefully Brunell will get hurt this week and they can get Patrick ready!! Mark is finished!!! Unless there is something I am missing when I watch him throw the ball away 9 out of 10 times!!
I think that what you're missing is Laverneus Coles running routes behind the bench, in the stands, in the parking lot, dressed up as the other team. It's really not Mark's fault.
Well it may be 50/50 then. I agree about Cole's though, he isn't the same reciever as he was last year. I hope Portis continues to run like he did last week, that is what we paid all the money, Champ and the draft pick for!!
Brandon, I agree with Greg I use Minion for all cooks except poultry. There isn't ant waste if you snuff out the fire after the cook (close ALL vents). Day or two later sift through the ashes and reclaim all left over coals. I sift the ashes with a piece if wire mesh.

Nick P.
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