Mini WSM. Thinking of doing this.



I want to do this. I have an old turkey fryer pan a d wondered if this would work. It is TALL and maybe used to smoke hanging ribs. Question. What bar do use use? Rebar? And what do use use for hooks. Is here a way to setup for both hanging and grates? Drill hole one inch down and slide rebar through? I've also seen where they did not cut all of bottom out of pan. I also have some high heat paint and spare bolts and nuts. Only thing I would need is grate.

Question. Can u still use this as a smokey joe or is it a permanent mini WSM?
I use a 16 gallon drum sitting on my SJS to hang meat. A single rebar at the top would work (I used a threaded rod) and I can hang full length slabs.
You can still use your SJ any way you like it.

that's very cool George, just any old 16gal drum? Not that I see a lot of 16gal drums, but I've never looked but now want to

