Mini in Progress, But Lid Won't Fit on Steamer Pot


Mike Rudy

TVWBB Member
I got the IMUSA 32 quart steamer pot from Wal-Mart. It says that it's made in china on the box but the lid of the smokey joe will not fit it. The steamer pot top is just too big (or the smokey joe lid is too small...haha) However, the base seems to be a really good fit. I know that some have crimped the top of the steamer to make it fit. Any guidance on crimping it or should i search for a properly fitting steamer pot?

I returned the Imusa pot and went to Academy sports and outdoors and bought one of their 36 quart aluminum pots so I didn't have to mess with crimping. The brand of the pot was outdoor gourmet. here is a link to my build. I wrote about the pot and have a link to the pot I ended up using. Hope that helps!
Thanks Rob- I may look into getting some slip joint pliers.

Tommy- We don't have Academy sports here in Louisville. I did look online though and found the 36 quart steamer for $55. I like the idea of the larger pot but not sure I want to order another one and take the chance that it doesn't fit. thanks.
Tommy, academy huh... I'm in the process of building a mini for a friend and in need of a pot as the imusa pot from Walmart was too large. It's guys night out tonight, so it looks like we're gonna have to make the extreme sacrifice and go to academy! Thanks for the tip!
I crimped the steamer pot and got the lid to fit. I'm smoking a whole chicken right now and temps holding pretty steady at 300.

Can't wait for it to finish!
Wow, sorry to hear that the IMUSA steamer pot is no longer a good fit for the mini smokers. I bought mine from Amazon 2 years ago, it was about $24 then, now about double that.:(

Mine fits perfectly. Actually, the lid fits tighter on it than on the bottom of my Smokey Joe Silver.

Mike, hope your chicken turned out well. Hope to see some pics from your cook.
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I used a 4 and a half in grinder with a cutting wheel. I just worked my way around the side of the pot and kept checking the fit until it was snug. it took about 10 minutes.

