Might be in over my head...


Brian Staley

Just got an e-mail from a Friend"?" Wants me to cater pulled pork, buns, slaw, etc. at 5:45 pm the next day..... Kinda freaking out, but I went and picked up four butts from Wal-mart. Just rubbed them all down, and they are in the fridge. Guess I will start them around 4 A.M. Total weight before cooking is 30 Lbs. 9.92 oz.
I know I am talking to myself most of the time, but it makes me feel better to talk here..
Will take pics, and keep posting .
That only gives you 12 hours of cook time, I would either cook at 275-300 or put them on now with water in the pan.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Total weight before cooking is 30 Lbs </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Total weight is immaterial. What is the weight of the largest?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by K McCarthy:
I'd throw them on now too. Easier to reheat than to rush them to done.

Kev </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


And what Mr. Kruger said... total weight doesn't matter.. it's the individual sized roasts that matter. 30lbs divided by 4 buttes is (guessing) around 7.5 each... 1.5 hrs per pound puts your very close to your deadline not including any set up time, or extended plateau time.

I'd put them on now.
Well, I tried to go to sleep, but I guess I could hear you guys. I couldn't sleep at all so I figured I would start the cook. All four butts are on and I am climbing to 235 now.
10 hours in to the smoke, have been hanging in the 170 range on the butts. Funny how one smoke of 4 butts can be done in 10 hours, and a second smoke seems no where near done. Glad I put them on 4 hours earlier...
Sounds like you should be good, right about now.
Butts are individualists, depending on the internal structure, it's good to have the extra time when facing deadlines.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Funny how one smoke of 4 butts can be done in 10 hours, and a second smoke seems no where near done </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
That's because the cook dynamics (and there are many variables) are different, including the weight/mass of the meat. Often when people have butts, say at 7 or 8 lbs apiece cook 'in 10 hours' it's because they are cooking at much higher temps than they think.

The common refrain, "Every butt is different" is untrue.

