Mesquite charcoal?


Dan M.

TVWBB Member
My local Smart & Final carries large bags of mesquite charcoal. Has anyone tried this? I was just wondering if it provides much of a mesquite flavor, or too much, etc.

The mesquite charcoal doesn't provide the same flavor as the wood chunks used for smoking. In fact, it doesn't impart much flavor at all.

There are three things you should know before buying the Smart & Final mesquite charcoal:

First, the pieces in those big bags can be really large. I mean really, really large. You'll have to break 'em down, which is a pretty messy process. After breaking the big hunks down, you'll have lots of dust and tiny pieces, which to me seems like a lot of waste - especially after all the effort.

Second, I've found the quality control to be rather lacking. I went through three bags, and each had more than a few unburnt logs. One was almost as long as my arm. I don't know if it was just a fluke, but when combined with the effort mentioned above, well, no thanks.

Third, mesquite burns very hot, but it also produces more sparks than a fireworks show. I like to use lump for grilling, but the sparks and popping can be unnerving on a wooden deck. It can be tough on exposed skin too, so I try not to be around the grill wearing shorts or open-toed shoes. One pop sent a piece the size of a rice grain into the front of my sandals. I just about fell off my deck dancing the ember out from between my toes.
If the thought of fireworks in your BBQ area is ok, then you'll be fine.

I buy Lazzari Mesquite. The pieces are usually smaller and more uniform in size. It's available everywhere out west, and the prices are pretty reasonable too. When I need to (not often), I use a welders chipping hammer with a sharp point to break up the larger pieces. Because there's not many, there's less waste. I may be imagining this, but I believe the Lazzari sparks and pops less than other brands. They definitely have much better quality control.

Hope this helps.
I have used the Kingsford Mesquite in a pinch a few months back. The smell was very good when lit but produced no real good flavor in the food. Even the wife noticed.
The Weber Firespice mesquite chips work pretty well. But because they are chips
you may have to add more for longer cooks.

