Menu ideas?


John Lantern

TVWBB Member
I'm having a group of friends over this weekend and want to do a nice spread without breaking the bank.

I've got the grill basics (hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken breasts, etc...) covered. I'm going to definitely be doing a shoulder, ABTs, and at least 1 chicken, either beer can or rotisserie on the gasser.

Part of my problem is that I don't know exactly how many people will be coming, and I know that I will have a wide variety of arrival times (some people may be staying over Friday night, some won't arrive until later Sat night-main food course probably between 1:30-4).

My best guess on numbers is 15 adults (adult only party) during "prime time" and maybe 5-12 others arriving after 7:30/8 pm, and of course snacks for the 8 or so who will be there all day into the night/staying over.

I'm of the school of thought that there isn't enough food unless you don't run out of anything.

All that said, will maybe a rotisserie chicken, beer can smoked chicken, shoulder and about 30-40 ABTs, plus ample grilled stuff and sides, be enough?

Any great ideas for smoked fun that I'm missing, as I'll obviously have room on the smoker? Ribs are kind of priced out but I can do CSRs.

For the late arrivers/all day folks needing snacks, I figure I can always whip up a dog or burger, and I'll put the pulled pork and a little applejuice in a crock pot. How long is that good for on low, by the way?
Sounds like you have a great menu lined up. If trying to keep cost low, then you have hit the 3 cheapest meats. If looking for another idea, I would suggest grilled wings. They are easy and people love to grab a few at a time to snack on during the night. If doing wings, use a general rub and get a bottle of Stubbs wing sauce to baste for the last 10 minutes or so of the cook.

Be sure to take pictures and let us know how it goes.
Thanks Barry. Wings are cheap at a local shop (99 cents a pound) and would be a great addition. I've never made wings outside of the deep fryer before though-I'm guessing just high/medium high heat grill long?

Would you rub both ones that will be finished BBQ and Buffalo or just ones finished BBQ?

Also, split breasts are 99 cents and drums are 69 cents-do people have better luck with these on the smoker or grill?
Typically, I cut the wings into the drummie and wingie sections and sprinkle with rub in a gallon ziplock bag. Bag of wing sections go in the fridge for a few hours and then put on a medium grill, direct heat for about 30 minutes. I baste for the last 10 minutes or so and use Stubb's Wing Sauce, which is not a bbq sauce, but a great tasting spicy wing sauce - not the typical orange colored hot sauce.

Good luck.
FWIW, I find that thighs are cheaper than whole chickens at my local grocers, so I usually go that route. Hand-eatable and extremely juicy, to me the thigh is the best part of a chicken.
Wings also do very well indirect as well. Just did some this weekend with 3/4 chimney in my 22 OTS. Downside is you can't do as many, so my second choice would be 1/2 chimney or a little less and direct to fill up the rack.
Good call on the MOINKs. They might have to be an addition. Anybody got a favorite recipe? I only made them once and they turned out good, not awesome (unlike ABTs-which are pretty much always awesome).

Thanks to all on the wing advice. Much appreciated.
For MOINKS I just buy the frozen premade beef meatballs. I rub the meatballs first, wrap in bacon and rub again. I like sauced. A mixture of Sweet Baby Rays, Honey and hot sauce. Good luck on the cook.

