Meat weight and smoke time?


ES Reuter

TVWBB Member
Hey forum,

I have been poking around and was wondering is there a general guideline for time in smoke versus meat weight?

I use general lightly because i know smoke is all to your liking, However there is a general idea that ribs tend to take 1~2 fist chunks of wood and butts and briskets 2~3 chunks.

I am wondering if there is a guideline for meat weight and time in smoke, the specific example is there is a nice 5lb brisket i would like to get, half it and try different smokes on each piece of meat.

I was thinking hickory for one, and possibly mesquite for the other, as beef likes the stronger spice and flavors over pork's sweeter taste.

for ~2lbs of beef does one still need to smoke for three hours? or is the time reduced because of the meat size reduction.

let me know your thoughts and experiences.

just in case, i should clarify, by "smoke" I mean actual smoke time, not cook time.

when i smoke ribs, i generally use 1 large chunk or 2 mid to small size and i usually let the wood chunks burn for about an hour to hour and a half, before either stopping or replenishing.

i hope i make sense in what i am talking about.

thanks again for your help.


