Meat left out...


Sam Un

New member
Hi All,

So it was 10:30 PM and I took out 3 slabs of completely frozen uncooked back ribs in cryovac and put them on the kitchen countertop and the temperatures were around 75 degrees.

Fast forward to 6AM (not saying I forgot about them or fell asleep) and the ribs were completely defrosted and not cold to the touch. They've been in the refrigerator for about 30 hours now.

Are the ribs safe to smoke and then eat? Or is the $40 worth of ribs not worth spending the night in a not so good mood?
Sam,I hate to be like this,but I would totally chuck those ribs. You say that they were not cold to the touch. That would be enough for me to throw them out. It's better to not risk getting sick.
$40 for 3 slabs of ribs? Maybe a typo or I misunderstand. Anyway----------
The scientists will chime in. My guesss, and it's only a guess based on limited knowledge but trying to use some common sense as well, is that if they were cooked right away at 6am, they would have been ok. However, putting them in the fridge for 30 or more hours after they had warmed doesn't do any good. You can't make tainted ribs healthy again. I'd toss them. I disagree with the notion that it depends on your comfort level. If you eat tainted ribs, comfort level or not, you will be sick. JMO, lets see what others have to say.

