Meat For Breakfast!


Tony Hunter

Its my turn at the office to supply breakfast for the Breakfast Club participants. The last time it was my turn I brought in ribs and fatties. This time I am doing somewhat of an encore. I am doing two types of fatties. Two rolls that are just hot and spicy and two rolls that are stuffed with pepper jack cheese. Also, I am smoking some rib tips that I found at Wally World. I am using my trusty Char-Griller Smokin' Pro. Here are the pics so far...

The Raw Materials...

The Rubbed Materials...

Into the belly of the beast!

Thar she blows! Its on now!

The Fatties are finished!

Rib Tips are done!

New Kingsford still hot with low ash! Cool!

All in all, this was a 5 hour cook. I did a 3-1.5-.5 on the rib tips and the fatties were done in 4 hours. I am really impressed with the new Kingsford on this cook too - I just may stick with this stuff.

Looking mighty durn good there Tony, keep the pics comming. One of these days i'll throw on some fatties and give em a go.
How long do the fatties go on for? Usual low and slow temp? Or do you cook them at a higher temp.

edited: Never mind, I found Chris' write up on da fatties.

Looks good.

Originally posted by Bryan S:One of these days i'll throw on some fatties and give em a go...
Go for it! Super easy and mighty good tastin'! The brand of sausage will affect your outcome as far as texture though. Lots of folks like Jimmy Dean, especially the maple flavor but I can't go that route. JD in general comes out kind of grainy and the maple just isn't for me. Bob Evans is better but being from PA, hopefully you have Hatfield available out your way. Their regular is good, the hot is real good, but my favorite is the sage flavor. Just a quick roll in some rub and off you go! Let me know if you don't have Hatfield out your way, maybe we can do a deal for some Hump lump when I get out there this summer.
Anton, I really think you'll like the fatties. Did some with a meatloaf a few weeks ago. . My wife who is NOT a big sausage eater was raving over them. Most of the fat rendered out and it was great.Like Kirk said it kind of depends on the brand of sausage as far as the outcome. I used an el cheapo brand. Next time I'll try a better brand and see. I can't remember what temp I cooked it to but it took about 3 1/2 to 4 hours. I rolled it in BBQ rub and stuffed it with extra sharp cheddar cheese[.QUOTE]Originally posted by Anton:
How long do the fatties go on for? Usual low and slow temp? Or do you cook them at a higher temp.

edited: Never mind, I found Chris' write up on da fatties.

Looks good.

Hey anton where did ya find chris's write up on fatties? did a quick search but didn't find it. Thought maybe I throw some in tonight when I do my 2 butts.
Not too much to know about 'em Gary. You can get creative but I just unwrap bulk breakfast sausage, roll it in rub and throw it in the smoker. Low heat, high heat, whatever, you'll know when it's done. Last ones I did were 2 hrs at 250. You almost can't screw them up.
Originally posted by Kirk Boorman:
Let me know if you don't have Hatfield out your way, maybe we can do a deal for some Hump lump when I get out there this summer.

Definitely have Hatfield out here. Also have Kunzler; their factory is in Lancaster. People here love their sausage, scrapple and other pork products.


