Meat Combinations on the WSM

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Sonny Jordan

TVWBB Super Fan
I have cooked a brisket on the bottom rack and a big pork butt on the top. Other times have been the two huge chickens on the 'coke can half full of apple juice' (aka beer can chicken)on the bottom rack and as many rolled pork ribs as I can get on the top rack.

Any other combinations out there??

I'm trying to visualize how one would get chickens standing on cans on the bottom rack with the top rack in place.

As far as combinations, your only limitation I would think, would be physically fitting whatever you want to cook that all needs to cook at the same temp. You're going to be checking for doneness with an internal reading, so whatever is done can come off, and what's not yet done can stay on longer. Only caveat I can think of is no poultry on top dripping juices on other meats on the bottom.

Pork butt on top basting brisket below sounds like a good idea.
Pork butt basting brisket below is the ONLY way to go... that's my standard all-nighter B&B anymore.

Another favorite combination is 3 racks of BB ribs on top, a couple of chickens on the bottom, and sausage looped around all.

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time, and gettin' hungry...
Just got done doing ribs on the bottom rack
and a chicken on the top. I placed some heavy
duty tin foil under the chicken to prevent
drippings down to the ribs.
(My reasoning for this configuration was that the chicken was going to take longer, so put it on the top rack with the higher heat, and both meats will go on and finish at the same time.)
Both turned out perfect.
My usual standby had been 2-3 racks of ribs on bottom, large chicken up top. That usually left enough room to sneak some 'late lunch' stuff on the top rack. Rib trimmings, kielbasa, or just plain old hot-dogs which taste AWESOME after a bout with the WSM. But now, since I'm confidnet in the overnight ability with the WSM, I've been throwing a good sized butt or picnic on bottom.

No brisky yet, but damn, that sounds like an awesome combo with the brisket down low and a big shoulder up high.
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