Maverick Thermometer Probes Failing?

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Hi all,
I have question on how long the Maverick probes last. I've probably used mine about 20 times with some high temp smokes.
I few weeks ago, I notice the smoker temperature was bouncing back and forth by 4 degress or so during a smoke.
When I tried using it last weekend, it just reported HHH which means the temperature is way up there.
So, the question is, it seems my probes are damaged and I have to get new ones.
How often will I have to do this? Is this a way to lengthen the life of the probes?
Chris, yesterday I posted something on this matter. I've used mine three times and it went on the fritz. I called Maverick and they said I had to buy a new one. Whoa I says, no way. Before I waste my money on a new probe reading HHH I'd rather credit that to a Nu-Temp. Anyways, they agreed to send one to me free of charge. However, the rep said the probes only last about a year (16 uses) and then typically have to be replaced.

Does anyone now if this is true for Nu-Temp?
1 year = 16 uses? They must be kidding. Given what I've seen from the folks on this board, 1 year = 52 uses at least!
Originally posted by Chris Chauvin:
Is [there] a way to lengthen the life of the probes?
Assuming you aren't getting defective probes, the best way is to make sure they are never exposed to temperatures above their rating, which in most cases is 392°F (200°C).
Water is a killer too. It's OK to wash the probe part, but don't let the cable even come close to the water. It will wick down inside the probe and ruin it immediately.

Originally posted by JimT:
Water is a killer too. It's OK to wash the probe part, but don't let the cable even come close to the water. It will wick down inside the probe and ruin it immediately.


I've had this problem with a probe that I use for monitoring homebrewing temps - liquid on the cable inevitably results in incorrect temperature readings. However, I found that if I put the probe in a 400F oven for about a half an hour, the probe drys out and the temperature readings return back to normal. I've done this several times with a probe I've had for years, and so far it has always fixed a wonky probe.

One caveat - just make sure that the oven temp you use to dry out a probe does not exceed the probe's max rating, otherwise you will really kill it.

I had to replace my food probe just recently. As I cooked with it more and more I noticed that the rubber part that surrounds the wire that goes into the metal probe was coming out. I would push it back in, but it came out a little more each time I cooked. I wasn't pulling by the cord either. Then all of a sudden I noticed that it was taking the temp of the smoker and not the food. So I had to cough up $12 to get a new one. Go figure.
Doug D is absolutely right. Was using one of my Nu-Temp probes last week in my kettle grill, got distracted and before I know it I looked over and the sensor is reading HHH.......not good.

Plugged it in, inside the house the next day...HHH.

Fried the probe, my new one is on order. That little mishap will cost you $14.95
Originally posted by Chris Chauvin:
1 year = 16 uses? They must be kidding. Given what I've seen from the folks on this board, 1 year = 52 uses at least!
I'm totally surprised that someone at Maverick would actually claim that their probes only last for 16 uses. As you mentioned, that is ridiculous. They should build them to last 5x that.

Plus, I've had mine now for a year and used it at least twice that many times, with no problems. Strange...
Originally posted by Bruce Bissonnette:
Fried the probe, my new one is on order. That little mishap will cost you $14.95
When you guys are getting your replacements, are you getting the high-heat probes they sell? I think they have longer wires too, if I remember correctly...

just wondering if anybody's got experience with the high heat probes...

