Maverick ET-73: transmission interruptions???

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Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
I've been giving my new ET-73 a trial by fire throughout Saturday night, on another overnight B&B (butt-n-brisket) cook. I noticed a few times when the receiver indicated "---" for both the smoker and meat temps, then would eventually pop back up with numbers.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is this a carryover problem from another Maverick model in that it may be ceasing transmission if temps don't move for so many minutes?

Other than that, I am EXTREMELY pleased and already spoiled by the ET-73 so far. All temps are showing true so far(each reading is being backed up by at least one other thermometer).

Keri C
Smokin' on Tulsa Time

I did a 6 hour cook and didn't have what you described and I would have noticed...I'm ashamed to say I was fixated on the damn thing for pretty much the whole time /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif
I would call Maverick, maybe they can answer your question, or replace the unit. How did your B&B turn out?
I don't think it would be a carry over problem because it picked up a reading again. The problem with the old one as explained to me by Darren at Maverick had to do with some programming in the chip that shut down the transmitter if the temprature didnt change over a certain amount of time. I have yet to use my new ET-73 but am taking a couple of shoulders out of the freezer today to do later in the week.
I never noticed that problem on my trial run. My first cook was about 11 hours. The only thing I noticed was if I got out of range with the reciever it would continue to display the last registered temp. I wasnt aware I had left the reciever out of range untill I went outside to do somthing else and noticed the transmitter displayed temps different from what I had last seen on the reciever. Sure enough when I carried the reciever 10 feet more towards the back of my house the Meat reading jumped 10* and the smoker temp jumped 14* (matched the transmitter reading).
I didnt have the problem you indicated.
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