Maverick ET-372 problem setting Hi & Lo temps


Bob LeFever

TVWBB Member
I must be doing something wrong, but when I follow the instructions to set Hi or Low temps, it awlways reverts back to 176 degrees. Anyone else have this problem, or a solution to it?
Like most manuals, this one also seems to be written by people who never tested their directions. Anyway, after much playing around I finally figured out what they were trying to tell me. Problem solved!
No, it wasn't you. If these people would only let "ignorants" like us test their directions, maybe they would consider editing some of their instructions. Guess that's too much to ask for, so we fumble for a while and finally figure it out.
If you read the Maverick's user guide step by step, it does explain the unit pretty well. That said, like most, I initially read every 2nd line while pushing all the buttons to see what they do. Kind of like the chronograph watch you got when you were young.
I use it every 2 weeks and still need to play around with settings. My most regular problem is turning the alarms on or off late at night for overnight cooks.
Im expecting my 372 on Thursday and i am doing my first cook Friday night for (4) 10lb butts.

Can you elaborate on your issue and the correction?

Also, is your 30 difference because of how/where you have the prob mounted or is it the device? I was planning on putting my grill probe though the top vent hole like i do with my thermometer.
Hi Willie,
The manual is not as explicit as it could be, but once you have your min/max temps in the 372, just press the Mode button to record them. Otherwise the setting will default to 176. Also keep in mind that if you want to lower an existing setting, you have to raise it to the max and then it will revert to the lowest temp setting and you can raise it from there. As I re-read this, I'm hoping I am making sense.
I'm new to smoking, but as I understand it, the 30 degree difference between the location where the meat is and where the standard thermometer is located is near normal. I wouldn't worry about that. Just trust your 372. It's a great device!!!
Hope this helps, and GO PACKERS!!!
I just finished a few racks at 11pm EST and my Stoker and Maverick were no more than 8F off of each other during the 5hrs cook time once we hit the set temp. The probes were placed side by side on the grate, maybe 1/2" apart. The lid temp gauge was off by up to 30F during the cook. It was a cool, windy evening but nothing crazy. As you will see on numerous posts here, the lid therm shouldn't be taken as gospel but more as a guide. You can BBQ at 205, 225, 250, 275 etc... as long as you know when to pull the meat. Bigger is more forgiving. Trust your grate temp for direction but trust your meat to tell you when it's done.
Originally posted by Bob LeFever:
No, it wasn't you. If these people would only let "ignorants" like us test their directions, maybe they would consider editing some of their instructions. Guess that's too much to ask for, so we fumble for a while and finally figure it out.

There is a name for that. It's called research and development. Only problem is that the customer is the R&D department!

