Maverick-73 remote transmitter error?



TVWBB Super Fan
Not sure which forum to post this in. But this morning I woke up fliped my pork butts, then noticed that my temps stopped reporting in. I thought maybe it was the battery. Flipped them out in the remote transmitter and still no luck. When I turn it on it shows '301' then nothing? If I leave no thermometers in it I get "---" but still the 301 error. Any thoughts? Doesn't seem the interwebs are turning up much on that error.

Have never encountered that one. I have gone through a number of probes and they always gave me the HHH sign. My guess is that your unit itself has gone south and that error code is indicating a problem in the software. I am sure you probably have already done this but if it were me, I would first double check to make sure you have the right probe in the right place then try changing the probes if you have spares on hand. After that if it didn't work, it's time to find another way to measure and monitor temps. Good luck with it.
Got it! Ended up when it rained last night it got too wet, just dried it out with hair dryer and we're back in business!


