martinelli's or nothing?

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I just fired up my bullet for the first time this am (two 12 pound whole briskets to be exact!) I've been following the advice on the virtualweber site and am hoping to really enjoy some meat tonite. My question is, since the brisket went on at 6:30am and I have two young mouths to feed around 6:30 pm, should I do the foil method or do you recommend finishing on the grill to an internal temp of approx. 170? If I were a betting man (grill temp at the lid is approx 250), what time will the brisket finish? Also, I put a dry rub on 'em at approx. 4pm yesterday (brown sugar, salt, pepper, paprika, chili pepper). Do you guys think Martinelli's at flip time would be too much?
Thanks for your advice to this new comer!
Ok, if you only have 12 hours you are going to need to feed the kids something other than brisket or foil will be needed.
Paul Kirk teaches to spray or mop at the halfway points. If the cook is 12 hour you spray at the 6 hour mark then 3 hours later then at 1 1/2 hours later.
If your going to foil instead of spraying, add apple juice at that time.
Keep your temps under 275? and you should be fine.
Thanks...I appreciate your advice. I think I'll probably have to bring one of the briskets off around four, wrap it in foil and cook it in the oven for 2 hrs at 300. I'll keep the other on for a full cook in the bullet. I probably bit off more than I can chew since this is my first attempt...Hopefully my neighbors and wife will like it...By the way, Martinelli's is an apple juice that someone mentioned was great as a spray baste. Thanks again,
'Afternoon Sam:
My experience is that briskets of the size you're smoking will take many more hours than you suspect (10-12 for one 8 lber.). Given this and since child abuse is severely frowned upon by society, I'd recommend hotdogs for the kids and a few more adult beverages for the WSM owner! Although I've never tried it but read that foil is an acceptable method of finishing up a brisket and although I'm aware of the controversy pro and con, my inclination would be to ask myself why go to all the trouble of smoking two such fine sounding pieces of meat for that many hours when for a penny's more time you could produce the best product? OK? least I'm trying to be a purist; and heck, to prove it I've actually given up pre-boiling ribs!! Good luck and please feed the kids!
o.k. so are you fellas saying that I need to drink until midnight then eat brisket til dawn? Seriously, though....1)does the 1 - 1.5 hr/lbs rule apply to the combined weight of the brisket or for the weight of the largest of the two? and 2) Any recommendations regarding efficiently checking the meat temp? How do the pros check for when the meat is ready to consume?
Happy smokin...Sam
Heck yea you've got the right idea; following your scenario, by midnight you might not care if the briskets are done or not! Seriously, I'm not the expert brisket person but I declare brisket done when my Remote internal thermometer probe reaches 170 degrees, how ever many hours that takes. Neither am I an engineer but my intuition tells me that the greater the mass in a cooker, (in some proportion) the more heat and time will be required to reach the same goal??thus the need for a goodly supply of beverage when smoking larger pieces or quantities of meat!
well...I guess it's time to put the bullet on remote and head to the package store for more libations in prep for a long evening. By the way, I've seen little to no smoke since about 10:30 that cool? Temp has been ranging between 247-253 at the lid using a cheap 'ole confectioner's thermometer. By the way, I don't have a fancy internal remote thermometer, so I guess I'll just have to pray....SAM
Just to report:
We just chowed on the larger of our 2 briskets as described above. Our neighbor had 4ths! Anyway, the meat smoked at approx. 235-240 degrees F for approx. 12 hours with a 1/2 hour period wrapped and placed in a ice chest (no ice of course!). It had a beautiful smoke ring and, more imortantly, taste! One issue in my mind, however, was that the flat was slightly less moist than the point. I'm sure that this is a common problem, I just wonder if any of you have any recommendations for improvement in this area. I appreciate all of your comments and assistance today!
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