Making a pizza on a stainless steel


K Moore

New member
I'm new to the hole making pizza on a grill. I have a weber charcoal grill and work at steel shop. Could I use stainless to cook a pizza on? If so what size and how thick should it be?
Thank you in advance. :)
Or do I just get a Weber Griddle Pan and use that? I saw a thread posted earlier , where someone made a pizza on one and it looked great.
One Just start copying these and sell me one when you do. Merry Christmas!
stainless just never 'seasons'. It's clean or is isn't. No oil or grease retention, it's only with water or oil that it's non-stick.
I can get ss or mild steel, just figured ss would work better since it gets much hotter. Any recommendation I'm size or thickness?
I'm new to the hole making pizza on a grill. I have a weber charcoal grill and work at steel shop. Could I use stainless to cook a pizza on? If so what size and how thick should it be?
Thank you in advance. :)

There has been a lot of work from folks on a Pizza specific forum on getting a Weber Kettle to be an efficient Pizza cooker. Some Suggestions:

1. A 1/4 in steel plate as a diverter with a stone on top of the diverter with spacers in between the two.
2. Drop the ceiling with another piece of steel or stone.
3. Cut a hole on the weber lid to move air out of.

At this link see replys 2050 and 2071. The mods that MrP did were about the best I have seen on converting a Weber Kettle to a very good Pizza stove. He is using propane as a heat source.

I gave up using a Weber kettle and just bought a dedicated propane pizza cooker. Also look at Kettle Pizza with some improvements.
I have had great success cooking pizza directly on the kettle grate. no stone etc. I light a chimney of charcoal and pour around outside of the kettle so no direct heat under pizza. I put the dough on with out toppings for about a minute. I take it off and flip it over. The side you cooked for a minute load with sauce/toppings and put back on the grill for 4-6 minutes. Crust is nice and crispy. I have never burned a pie doing it that way. I might be one of the few that cooks on nothing but grate but I have seen success!
Tommy, can you share a few photos and some know how? I watched Bobby Flay make a pizza on the grill and it was pretty cool. I would like to try it and could use some pointers from you. Thanks,

