Maker's Mark Gourmet Sauce


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Anyone use this sauce?


I marinaded some chicken in Italian Zesty and some of this. Then grilled the chicken and applied some as a glaze. I REALLY liked it. I've not seen/heard others talk of it but I really liked it.
I have enjoyed many a glass of Makers Mark after a good steak or some BBQ. Now I will have to try the sauce, thanks for the review
I have a 750 mil bottle of that 'sauce' in my lazy susan...mine looks a little thinner & amber colored though.
I've seen that sauce in a couple stores. I've never bought it because it cost nearly half the price of a bottle of their bourbon! I've seen it over $10. Here is a thought. Buy a bottle of Makers and a bottle of your favorite bbq sauce and mix. Enjoy!

