Maiden Voyage

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Brian H

Finally got around to finishing mods on my WSM and fired it up yesterday. Nothing special just some split chicked breasts with various rubs and garlic/cracked pepper brats from my local butcher. Just wanted to ease in and get to know the cooker. I tried the minion method and as others have already stated it did not take much effort to keep this thing locked in the zone. The brats turned out great the chicken I should have pulled a little sooner as it seemed a tad dry to me. Next weekend I'll try my hand at a few chickens or a turkey.
Overall, I think Im gonna be spending quite a bit of time with this thing. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Forget doing chicken on low temps. They come out far better on the grill instead. Try doing a butt or some ribs. Turkey is the same but you can get a good one out of the wsm if you get the temp up to 350 or so.
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