Okay, here's the deal. I took my maiden voyage with the WSM on Sunday night. Followed the recipe for the Mustard & Rub Butt (used a 3.08 lb. piece). Took Chris' advice regarding less charcoal, but probably should have used somewhere between the 1 full chimney and 2 chimneys. Started out great, temperature went right to 300, put meat and smoke wood on and the temp. went right down to around 230. Cooked along at that for awhile and the internal temp steadily rose to about 120. Then things slowed way down. after 3 1/2 hours the internal temp was at 132 and the WSM temp was getting a little harder to keep up.
Bottom line: checked the butt again after 5 hours and the WSM temp. had dived and the internal meat temp. stalled at 139. In order to get some sleep last night, I had to commit the cardinal sin of finishing the butt off in the oven. Brought the internal temp up to about 190 and called it a night. I'm pretty sure what I did wrong was not using enough charcoal, I could have reduced the temp, but trying to keep an inadequate amount of charcoal burning proved futile, and I didn't want to spend the extra time to fire up more briquettes. Funny thing is, the butt spent enough time in the cooker that it tastes pretty darned good.
Next time I will use more charcoal and start early enough so that I have the time to do things right. Just thought I'd post my mini-debacle for the education of other "newbies".
I can see how the WSM is a champion at coming to and maintaining temp. though. The weak link was me this time. Gotta' get practice though.....doing a Prime Rib for Christmas.
Bottom line: checked the butt again after 5 hours and the WSM temp. had dived and the internal meat temp. stalled at 139. In order to get some sleep last night, I had to commit the cardinal sin of finishing the butt off in the oven. Brought the internal temp up to about 190 and called it a night. I'm pretty sure what I did wrong was not using enough charcoal, I could have reduced the temp, but trying to keep an inadequate amount of charcoal burning proved futile, and I didn't want to spend the extra time to fire up more briquettes. Funny thing is, the butt spent enough time in the cooker that it tastes pretty darned good.
Next time I will use more charcoal and start early enough so that I have the time to do things right. Just thought I'd post my mini-debacle for the education of other "newbies".
I can see how the WSM is a champion at coming to and maintaining temp. though. The weak link was me this time. Gotta' get practice though.....doing a Prime Rib for Christmas.