Madrone Wood for smoking

I have used it once. It is abundant in my area as well as oak. I used it on pork and thought it was very similar to live oak which in my opinion is more a beef or goat cooking wood. It has a strong smoke flavor similar to oak and a little goes a long way, too much (like in my case) and the flavor has a bit of a bitter taste. I liked it but since I heat th house with oak I have pleanty of that around for cooking...I should try it on beef someday though.

It burns pretty hot and leaves little ash. Heat held pretty consistent on my log smoker.

What are you planning to cook if you use Madrone? Do you have manzanita available by chance?
O my goodness YES! Manzinita is by far my favorite wood to smoke with for pork. It leaves a nice smokey ( not to harsh) flavor. It burns very hot so you need to be a little careful with it. I have used 10 year old decadent manzanita wood and if still burns hot and gives a great smoke flavor. No ash with this wood either. Give it a try it will not disappoint. I have used more of the "grey" than the red. Which means it is a little more cured. If you have ever cooked with lump coal then you will see that manzinita is very similar. It pops a lot when you first fire it up, keeps a nice consistent heat but when you lose it the heat is gone quick and very very little ash. Try it on a butt or some pork ribs.

