Originally posted by Michael Atwell:
I am a new WSM owner and had my first smoke this weekend (butt and ribs). Any way, I went to my local barbecue store to purchase some wood chunks and the salesman there was swearing lump was far better. I was telling him about my WSM and Kingsford charcoal and he pretty much said Kingsford is processed garbage and will leave a funny tatse with the food. I thought alot of people on this forum used kingsford charcoal because of burn times etc. I am reading these posts and I am starting to think otherwise. Does the majority use lump or charcoal with their WSM? Can someone shed some light on my confusion? I do wish to produce the best tasting product with my new smoker. However, I am lazy and do not want to baby sit a fire all day either. By the way the salesman also owned a big green egg and swears that is a better smoker than th WSM. Point is his opinions may be biased!!! thanks for your input
The general consensus is that lump tends to burn hotter than briquettes, but not as long or as consistently. Some lack of consistency is to be expected, given that the content and piece size varies within an individual bag and between bags.