Lump charcoal amounts


Tim O

Hi all,
Just got a WSM two weeks ago - already done a successful bird and as we speak, am smoking my first ribs! I do, however, have a pressing question in regards to lump charcoal.

Most recipes - unless your following Low and Slow BBQ by Wiviott - call for chimneys or briquettes. Low and Slow calls for chimneys of Lump. However, with lump, I am finding that the three bags I bought are very large pieces - almost too big to put into the charcoal ring. How do I measure out my chimney starter with lump if the pieces are this big? Also, is it just as effective to put a bunch of larger pieces of lump in the charcoal ring as it is to put smaller regular sized pieces?

I've managed to get at least one chimney starter full of regular sized lump but other than the, most of the bags have larger branch pieces and when I refill the ring, have trouble even putting them in because they hit against the water pan! Some of these larger pieces are also having troubling catching, thus resulting in really low temps.

Any thoughts on this matter would be appreciated!
Thanks guys.
Don't bother to measure. Put in as much as it will hold. When you're done with the cook, close the vents. Fire will go out and you use the remaining charcoal on the next cook.
Hi Tim and welcome aboard.

I fill up my ring with charcoal (briquettes or lump) and light it in a couple of places with a high output propane torch. The big pieces will burn.

Hi Tim and welcome aboard.

I fill up my ring with charcoal (briquettes or lump) and light it in a couple of places with a high output propane torch. The big pieces will burn.


Thanks for the kind words - what if a high output propane torch is not an option? What is the best way to light these larger pieces of lump without medium/smaller pieces to catch them on fire? I suppose I could shove a bunch of the larger pieces into the chimney and just wait longer for the thicker pieces to catch - thanks for the ideas guys.
I would use a hatchet and break them up. Most of us complain because we have too many small pieces or the wood has not been fired enough. Like Bob I also use a torch, in the long run it's really handy and cost effective. Paper in the chimney creates a lot of ash.
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Tim I'm not sure what brand of lump you are using. I really like Wicked Good and as you say, there are many large lumps in a bag. Like others, I use a hatchet. it beats the alternative of having too many small pieces. Good Luck!
Like the others have said break up the big chunks into usable pieces. Royal Oak lump doesn't usually have the large log chunks that you will find in Wicked Good but in my opinion it isn't nearly as good as WG either.

