Low temp pork loin on a gas Genesis


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
Not much here about doing a pork loin roast on a Genesis (let alone a gas Genesis) so I thought I'd post my experience.

I don't normally use "enhanced" meat of any kind but when the local grocer had whole pork loins for a buck a pound (enhanced), I said what the hey, I can adjust.

At the start, I HAVE NO PICTURES.

After all, it's just a pork roast, nothing special.

I made a paste rub of EVOO, 1/2 tsp sage, 1/4 tsp rosemary and 1/4 tsp thyme.

Let it sit on the (room temp) pork for an hour.

Into the gasser for what I thought would be 1 1/2hr at 250-275 with an end target of 140 for the meat. I used a 732 to monitor grill and meat

It is very, very difficult to maintain low temps with a gasser (I would think it would be even more difficult on charcoal--put coals on, move them off. But I don't know. I talking a OTS/similar, not the WSM).

I got it to the 250 with front and back burners on low (middle was off for the "offset" heat with a plate of water on the middle).

I found that having two burners on low, the temp kept getting up over 300 but only using one the temp kept dropping to 200.

This fall would occur over the space of 10 minutes. Luckily, the rise would take about 20 minutes.

Up and down, up and down for the next two hours (the meat was ~ 3 1/2 lb--I only did half the loin, the rest being turned into boneless chops and stir fry).

I have to say, the effort was worthwhile. The meat was super juicy (actually dripping) and cooked perfectly.

Never having enhanced pork before, I did enjoy it for a first time.

Would I do it again? Not on the gasser. It was too difficult (that is to say, a PITA) to maintain a constant temp.

