TVWBB Super Fan
Hey all,
76 and sunny here--first awesome, perfect day in North Jersey since last September, so I decided to do my first brisket smoke of the season. Grabbed a 10.5# packer from Restaurant Despot, trimmed'er down to 9.75#, Minion'ed with about 20 lit of Blue K, hickory and cherry for smoke. Temps kinda fluctuating a little between 265 and 280, but that's OK...I'm sittin' monitoring the fire with a deeeeelish churchill-sized cigar, a glass of something cool and icy, and just watching the ET-73.
I'm 6 hours in as I type this and the only thing kinda concerning me is a low stall temp. Usual plateau is 160-175ish for me on briskets but it started to stall out around 148 and is only up to 154 at the 6-1/4 hour mark. Still got plenty of time before chow tonight (7:30 is the target, so I'd like to get it out of the smoker around 6:30, in 3-1/2 hours from when I'm writing this). Should I just let it be or would you start foiling in that situation? I'm tempted to let it be but don't want to be eating around 9 if I can avoid it.
Pics up later.
76 and sunny here--first awesome, perfect day in North Jersey since last September, so I decided to do my first brisket smoke of the season. Grabbed a 10.5# packer from Restaurant Despot, trimmed'er down to 9.75#, Minion'ed with about 20 lit of Blue K, hickory and cherry for smoke. Temps kinda fluctuating a little between 265 and 280, but that's OK...I'm sittin' monitoring the fire with a deeeeelish churchill-sized cigar, a glass of something cool and icy, and just watching the ET-73.
I'm 6 hours in as I type this and the only thing kinda concerning me is a low stall temp. Usual plateau is 160-175ish for me on briskets but it started to stall out around 148 and is only up to 154 at the 6-1/4 hour mark. Still got plenty of time before chow tonight (7:30 is the target, so I'd like to get it out of the smoker around 6:30, in 3-1/2 hours from when I'm writing this). Should I just let it be or would you start foiling in that situation? I'm tempted to let it be but don't want to be eating around 9 if I can avoid it.
Pics up later.