TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So while I know he meant well my neighbor tried cleaning up all the leaves in his yards by using his sweeper one night. He then dumped sizeable piles in the culvert between our houses that drains and heads out to the Kishwaukee River. Well of course he did not get a chance to light them up before he had to travel for work and then the rain came. Soaking them and causing the culvert to back up. Sadly when it does it comes perilously close to coming in my basement. So I tried going out and burning them last week to no avail. So, I raked them into smaller piles in hopes they would dry some. They did. I tried again yesterday. But, still could not get them well torched. Did some more raking and drying and worked on them again today (with the help of some lighter fluid "well some diesel actually ", and fire starters and my leaf blower feeding O2. Made a dent but still no bueno. So , raked everything out, into my yard and got the big Kubota going. With that big 5' mower and the Predator mulching blades it made good work of the rest. Then, grabbed my spike (blade) type aerator. Going over the mulched up debris a few times, then, got the remainder of an open bag of seed, spread that, then over it again a few times to work it in. Hopefully it will germinate in spring. Anyway nice afternoon. Pleasant enough to be outside in sweatshirt and pair of shorts. Lots of work but a pleasant diversion from all the crap going on right now.