Lots of Yard Work Today



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So while I know he meant well my neighbor tried cleaning up all the leaves in his yards by using his sweeper one night. He then dumped sizeable piles in the culvert between our houses that drains and heads out to the Kishwaukee River. Well of course he did not get a chance to light them up before he had to travel for work and then the rain came. Soaking them and causing the culvert to back up. Sadly when it does it comes perilously close to coming in my basement. So I tried going out and burning them last week to no avail. So, I raked them into smaller piles in hopes they would dry some. They did. I tried again yesterday. But, still could not get them well torched. Did some more raking and drying and worked on them again today (with the help of some lighter fluid "well some diesel actually :D", and fire starters and my leaf blower feeding O2. Made a dent but still no bueno. So , raked everything out, into my yard and got the big Kubota going. With that big 5' mower and the Predator mulching blades it made good work of the rest. Then, grabbed my spike (blade) type aerator. Going over the mulched up debris a few times, then, got the remainder of an open bag of seed, spread that, then over it again a few times to work it in. Hopefully it will germinate in spring. Anyway nice afternoon. Pleasant enough to be outside in sweatshirt and pair of shorts. Lots of work but a pleasant diversion from all the crap going on right now.

looks like a nice, quiet place to live. too much yard work for me, but to each their own. does that kubota have a heated seat and steering wheel?
looks like a nice, quiet place to live. too much yard work for me, but to each their own. does that kubota have a heated seat and steering wheel?
No. It doesn't. IIRC you can buy a cab for it and then since of course it's a water cooled diesel I am sure you can fit a heater. As far as quiet.............well yes and no. First off we're right under the main landing path to KRFD airport which is one of the busiest hubs for Amazon Prime and UPS in the country. And a stones throw from the I 39 extension to join up to I 90 and US 20 Bypass. So there is road noise. And then there are a few neighbors who are jerks. They have dogs and don't control them in re to their barking and such. One actually having very vicious animals who tried to attack me in my own yard and have attacked other people and other dogs quite savagely. And the other behind me who's animals are simply nuisances because they just leave them outside and allow them to bark their fool heads off. Otherwise it's a nice area to live (though too close to Rockford IL and all it's trouble). When we first moved here, there was no need to lock a door or your car. Now? not so much
Also FWIW the house I outlined in red was Fred's A really good person and wonderful friend and neighbor. Honestly like part of the family. I sure hope whoever goes in that house will do it proud

Too much lawn for me to put it nicely. As for neighbors trying to be “kind” I live to windward and do my best to clean the front half of my neighbors front yard, her maple tree donates a lot to my back yard and that just cookie crumbling. The red maple in my front gives her enough that I feel responsible for a bit of that. NO lawn burning within the city limits so, no option there.
I don’t mind.
Too much lawn for me to put it nicely. As for neighbors trying to be “kind” I live to windward and do my best to clean the front half of my neighbors front yard, her maple tree donates a lot to my back yard and that just cookie crumbling. The red maple in my front gives her enough that I feel responsible for a bit of that. NO lawn burning within the city limits so, no option there.
I don’t mind.
I rarely burn. I try to avoid it. Not because of the "Karens" but because it's just more work. I only do it when I have no alternative (like when the ditch is filled and nothing else I can do).
AAAaaahhh... The sound and smell of a Kubota running on a crisp day...
Actually I have to say. That diesel runs really clean. Much cleaner than the gasoline machines I have had over the years. Used to be with every one of them, after doing yard work I came in smelling like gas exhaust (and yes my engines were very well maintained and tuned), whereas I can be on this thing a lot of hours and my clothes don't smell of diesel, it only occasionally will make a puff of diesel smoke (if I place it under a sudden load or such it will make a little "puff"), and of course when I start it. And the colder it is the more it will smoke on startup. Of course depending how I use the glow plugs changes it, and sometimes I might forget to turn them on and go right to startup. Then yeah it'll make a pretty good cloud.
But love the sound. The music is worth the price of admission :D

